Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Battle of the Sexes

Now I've got that off my chest, I have to share with you why. This little chart below should provide some explanation:

Ovulation Calculator

June 2012«  Previous month Next month  »

Ovulation calendar
10Menstrual Cycle Starts111213141516
1718192021Fertile Start22Fertile More23Fertile Even More
24OvulationFertile Most25Fertile Still2627282930

Yes . Writing this on Tuesday 18 June means I literally have to get my head around the fact that in a week's time I could be pregnant! All those days, weeks and months spent thinking about all things baby have boiled down to what could occur in the next few days. The thought is equal parts terrifying and exciting. I know those of you who have been in this position will know exactly what I'm talking about and those who are not quite there yet.........well you will know!

There is also additional pressure....Hubby is desperate to have a baby boy, so we have decided to try for this the first time around. After much reading (and a helpful girlfriend who successfully planned and had two boys) I think we are on the right track for a blue one . There are many tips and tricks out there for "gender selecting", but I found these the best:

For you - http://makeupandbeauty.com/pregnancy-diet-conceiving-baby-boy/
For him - http://sandydeanarticles.com/what-should-a-man-eat-to-conceive-a-boy-or-a-girl-bbay/
For you both - http://www.birth.com.au/Shettles-method/Shettles-method-for-boys
For fun - http://www.motherhood.com.au/articles/chinesechart.htm

Obviously diet, position, day in cycle play a large role in the so-called gender selecting. What have you found worked for you or what have you heard about and are willing to try?

I look forward to your responses :)

Until the next.

Who knows, Baby...?


  1. I was told that vegan moms usually give birth to boys but I have two boys and I'm a big fan of meat!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

  2. Hi Veronica

    That is odd! As most studies advise a higher protein diet results in more boys... its certainly hard to know what to believe :)
